Tutorcare LtdWe have expanded our course list and now have over 600 courses on the site. So to help you quickly discover the training you are looking for we recommend using the search bar at the top of each page! The shopping cart is brand new (so if there are any hiccups please let us know) and the E-Learning section has been completely overhauled too. But as always, the best way to get in touch with us is still via the phone so please don’t hesitate to call the freephone number! To make a full enquiry about our training and request a competitive quote, please visit our contact page here. Alternatively, drop us a quick message in the forms found to the right of every page. |
2 King's Court T: 0800 781 2041 |
WP Care TrainingW & P Assessment and Training Centre where we hope you will find a range of services which will enhance your compliance with the robust regulatory and legislative requirements within the Adult Health and Social Care Sector. As a leading UK supplier of comprehensive care training courses we can offer a variety of services and care training packages for care homes, nursing homes and other residential and domiciliary settings. All fully conform to meet Care Quality Commission (CQC) legislation. |
3 Grosvenor Road T: 0845 094 2660 / 01305 767 104 |
Medical Services TrainingMST specialises in providing medical terminology training for non medical staff working in a healthcare or healthcare related environment. We work with non clinical members of the NHS together with health insurance companies, social services and private healthcare providers. |
20 St Nicholas Crescent T: 02392 358 285 |
Vitalyz LtdLet us motivate your team, and help them embrace the idea of trying simple yet effective mental & physical activities with your clients. Since we started in 2000 our aim is to encourage regular physical movement, maintain mobility and prolong independence. Our workshops are practical, achievable and cost effective ensuring health & wellbeing is a realistic priority in any caring environment. |
St Croix T: 02392 358 285 |